Your help is needed and appreciated
We count on your support and generosity. CCC is a 501c3 organization — your gift of any amount is tax deductible. We appreciate your generosity!
Here are some of the ways you can support the Cape Cod Choral
Adopt a Musician Campaign for Spring Concert of Brahms, Vaughan Williams, and Price: To adopt a musician, send a check, with the level you are supporting in the memo, to Cape Cod Chorale, PO Box 751, Sandwich, MA 02563. Or you may give a check to a member of the Chorale. You may also click to donate now. For more information on Adopt a Musician, Click here: Adopt A Musician Fundraising Campaign Info
- Buy an Advertisement in our Program: Cape Cod Chorale sells advertising in the programs for its concerts. If you are interested in buying an advertisement, download our ad contract to view rates and purchase an ad, or please contact us.
- Make a Matching Gift: Many corporations will match the gifts given to non-profits by their employees. Please check with your employer.
- Securities: These investments make excellent gifts for many donors to consider. When a person owns securities that have a long-term gain and gives them to Cape Cod Chorale, they are received at the current fair market value. The donor is able to deduct as a gift on his or her federal income tax return the full fair market value of the securities, thereby avoiding all capital gains tax.
- Make a Bequest: Bequests are gifts left by will. This is the best-known deferred gift, and therefore the most often used. Most bequests may be written for a specific amount, a percentage of the total estate, or the remainders after specified conditions are met. A bequest may include cash, securities, or other assets of the donor’s choice.
To support the Cape Cod Chorale in any of these ways, please donate now.
Cape Cod Chorale is a 501c3 corporation. Tax ID #043205382